
The pipeline is to be cloned once and then run on any folder containing the configuration files and your raw data. The workingdir folder can contain multiple runs (aka batches) as you can easily add new samples when recieving new data and run the same commands. This will simply run the pipeline on the newly added data and recreate reports as well as plots containing all the samples.

Example: You run 2 biological conditions with 2 replicates. This makes up for 4 samples. Assume a simple dropseq protocol with only human cells. 1. You sequence the data and recieve the 8 files (two files per sample) and download the pipeline 2. You run the pipeline with the command: snakemake --use-conda --cores N --directory WORKING_DIR. N being the number of cores available and WORKING_DIR being the folder containing your config.yaml, samples.csv, adapter file and gtf_biotypes.yaml. 3. You see that there is an issue with the protocol and you modify it 4. You create a new set of libraries and sequence them (same 2x2 design) 5. You add the new files in the data folder of WORKING_DIR and edit the samples.csv to add missing samples. 6. You run the pipeline as you did the first time snakemake --use-conda --cores N --directory WORKING_DIR 7. This will run the new samples only and recreate the reports as well as the yield plots. 8. It is now easy to compare the impact of your change in the procotol

Working dir folder preparation

The raw data from the sequencer should be stored in the RAW_DATA folder of WORKING_DIR folder like this:

| -- RAW_DATA/
| -- -- sample1_R1.fastq.gz
| -- -- sample1_R2.fastq.gz
| -- -- sample2_R1.fastq.gz
| -- -- sample2_R2.fastq.gz
| samples.csv
| config.yaml
| barcodes.csv
| adapters.fa

Note: In DropSeq or ScrbSeq you expect a paired sequencing. R1 will hold the information of your barcode and UMI, R2 will hold the 3' end of the captured mRNA.

Once everything is in place, you can run the pipeline using the normal snakemake commands.

Running the pipeline (TLDR version)

For a simple single cell run you only need to run: snakemake --cores N --use-conda --directory WORKING_DIR This will run the whole pipeline and use the X number of cores you gave to it.

Running the pipeline

I highly recommend to take a look at the options that are available since I won't cover everything here.


You have two main ways to run the pipeline.

You can either just run snakemake --use-conda --directory WORKING_DIR in the root folder containing your experiment and it will run everything without stopping.

You can also run each step separately. The main advantage of the second way is that you are able to fine tune your parameters based on the results of fastqc, filtering, mapping quality, etc... I would suggest using the second approach when you work on a new protocol and the first one when you are confident of your parameters.

There are seven different modes available and to run one specifically you need to call the mode.

Example: To run the qc mode: snakemake --cores 8 qc --use-conda --directory WORKING_DIR You can also run multiple modes at the same time if you want: snakemake --cores 8 qc filter --use-conda --directory WORKING_DIR

Single species:

  • meta: Downloads and generates all the subsequent references files and STAR index needed to run the pipeline. You can run this alone if you just want to create the meta-data file before running a new set of data.
  • qc: Creates fastqc reports of your data.
  • filter: Go from sample_R1.fastq.gz to sample_filtered.fastq.gz ready to be mapped to the genome. This step filters out your data for low quality reads and trims adapter you provided in the FILTER section.
  • map: Go from sample_filtered.fastq.gz to the sample_final.bam read to extract the expression data. This maps the data to the genom.
  • extract: Extract the expression data. You'll get a umi and a count expression matrix from your whole experiment.

Mixed species

Since v0.4 the pipeline detects mixed experiments on the fly. Simply run snakemake --directory WORKING_DIR --use-conda. The stepwise approach is not available for mixed experiments.

Barcode whitelist

In protocols such as SCRBseq, the expected barcodes sequences are known. This pipeline also does allow the use of known barcodes instread of a number of expected cells. In order to use this functionnality you just need to add a whitelist barcode file and provide the name of the file in the configuration in the section:

    barcode_whitelist: name_of_your_whitelist_file

The file should be in the WORKING_DIR. Run the pipeline as usual.

Advanced options

If you have some specific adapters that are not present by default in the ones in the templates folder, you can add whatever adapters you want to trim (as many as you need) following the fasta syntax.

        adapters-file: name_of_your_adapter_file.fa

Further options

  • --cores N Use this argument to use X amunt of cores available.
  • --notemp Use this to not delete all the temporary files. Without this option, only files between steps are kept. Use this option if you are troobleshooting the pipeline or you want to analyze in between files yourself.
  • --dryrun or -n Use this to check out what is going to run if you run your command. This is nice to check for potential missing files.

Folder Structure

This is the folder structure you get in the end:

| -- RAW_DATA/
| -- -- logs/
| -- -- -- cluster/
| -- -- plots/
| -- -- reports/
| -- -- summary/
| -- -- samples/
| samples.csv
| config.yaml
| barcodes.csv
| adapter.fa
| .snakemake/
  • RAW_DATA/ Contains all your samples as well as the intermediary files
  • RESULT_DIR/logs/ Contains all the logfiles generated by the pipeline
  • RESULT_DIR/logs/cluster Contains all the logfiles generated by the cluster
  • RESULT_DIR/plots/ Contains all the plots generated by the pipeline
  • RESULT_DIR/reports/ Contains all the reports generated by the pipeline
  • RESULT_DIR/summary/ Contains all the files you might use for downstream analysis (contains barcodes selected per sample per species, final umi/counts expression matrix)
  • RESULT_DIR/samples/ Contains all the sample specific files. Bam files, barcodes used, single sample expression files, etc...
  • samples.csv File containing sample details
  • config.yaml File containing pipeline parameters as well as system parameters
  • adapters.fa File containing all the adapters you wish to trim from the raw data.
  • .snakemake/ Folder that contains all the environements created for the run as well as a lot of other things.