Config file and sample file

In order to run the pipeline you will need to complete the config.yaml file and the samples.csv file. Both are located in the templates folder , should be moved to the root folder of the experiment and filled in for missing entries before running the pipeline.

The goal for this is to provide the config.yaml when you finally upload the data to a repository for a publication as well as the pipeline version. This provides other users to ability to rerun the processing from scratch exactly as you did. This is possible because snakemake will download and create the exact same environnment for each rule using the envs files provided with the pipeline.

1. config.yaml - Executables, system and experiment parameters

The config.yaml contains all the necessary parameters and paths for the pipeline.

  person: John Doe
    temp-directory: /tmp
    memory: 4g
            build: 38
            release: 94
            build: 38
            release: 91
    ratio: 0.2
    reference-directory: /path/to/references/
    gtf_biotypes: gtf_biotypes.yaml
    barcode_whitelist: ''
    5-prime-smart-adapter: AAAAAAAAAAA
        start: 1
        end: 12
        start: 13
        end: 20
        adapters-file: 'adapters.fa'
            quality-filter: 20
            maximum-Ns: 0
            extra-params: ''
            quality-filter: 20
            minimum-adapters-overlap: 6
            minimum-length: 15
            extra-params: ''
        genomeChrBinNbits: 18
        outFilterMismatchNmax: 10
        outFilterMismatchNoverLmax: 0.3
        outFilterMismatchNoverReadLmax: 1
        outFilterMatchNmin: 0
        outFilterMatchNminOverLread: 0.66
        outFilterScoreMinOverLread: 0.66
        - CODING
        - UTR
    strand-strategy: SENSE
    UMI-edit-distance: 1
    minimum-counts-per-UMI: 0

Please note the "space" after the colon, is needed for the yaml to work.



  • email and person This is not requested. You can provide the e-mail and name address of the person who processed the data using this configuration. Ideally you should provide the config.yaml with the data repository to allow people to rerun the data using dropSeqPipe.


  • temp-directory is the temp or scratch folder with enough space to keep temporary files.
  • memory is the maximum memory allocation pool for a Java Virtual Machine.
  • raw_data is the folder containing all your raw fastq.gz files.
  • results is the folder that will contain all the results of the pipeline.


  • species is where you list the species of your samples. It can be a mixed experiment with two entries.
  • SPECIES_ONE can be for example: mus_musculus, homo_sapiens, etc... It has to be the name used on ensembl for automatic download to work.
  • build is the genome build number.
  • release is the annotation release number.
  • SPECIES_TWO can be your second species.
  • ratio is how much "contamination" from another species you allow to validate them as a species or mixed. 0.2 means you allow a maximum of 20% mixing.
  • reference-directory is where you want to store your references files.
  • gtf_biotypes is the gtf_biotypes.yaml file containing the selection of biotypes you want to keep for your gene to read attribution. Using less biotypes may decrease your multimapping counts.


  • barcode_whitelist is the filename of your whitelist fi you have one. Well plate base protocols often have one.
  • 5-prime-smart-adapter is the 5" smart adapter used in your protocol.
  • cell-barcode and UMI-barcode: Is the section for cell/umi barcode filtering.
    • start is the first base position of your cell/umi barcode.
    • end is the last base position of your cell/umi barcode.
  • cutadapt: Is the section for trimming.
  • adapters-file is the file containing your list of adapters as fasta. you can choose between 6 files in the templates folder, add any sequence to existing files or provide your own custom one.
    • NexteraPE-PE.fa
    • TruSeq2-PE.fa
    • TruSeq2-SE.fa
    • TruSeq3-PE-2.fa
    • TruSeq3-PE.fa
    • TruSeq3-SE.fa Provide the path to the file you want to use for trimming. If you want to add custom sequences or create a complete new one, I would advise to store it in the ROOT folder of the experiment. This will ensure that your custom file will not be overwritten if you update the pipeline.

Example: NexteraPE-PE.fa R1 lists the options for read1 (cell barcode and umi) filtering/trimming * quality-filter is the minimum mean score of the sliding window for quality filtering. * maximum-Ns how many Ns you allow in the cell barcode and umi barcode. By default it is one because we want to be able to collapse barcodes that have one mismatch. * extra-params if you usually add extra paramters to cutadapt, you can do it here. Only for experienced cutadapt users. R2 lists the options for read2 (mRNA) filtering/trimming that have one mismatch. * maximum-length is the maximum length of your mRNA read before alignement. * extra-params if you usually add extra paramters to cutadapt, you can do it here. Only for experienced cutadapt users. For more information about trimming and filtering please visit the cutadapt website.


  • STAR
    • genomeChrBinNbits is a value used for index generation in STAR. The formula is min(18,int(log2(genomeLength/referenceNumber)))
    • outFilterMismatchNmax (default:10) is the maximum number of mismatches allowed.
    • outFilterMismatchNoverLmax (default:0.3) is the maximum ratio of mismatched bases that mapped.
    • outFilterMismatchNoverReadLmax (default:1.0) is the maximum ratio of mismatched bases of the whole read.
    • outFilterMatchNmin (default:0) is the minimum number of matched bases.
    • outFilterMatchNminOverLread (default:0.66) alignment will be output only if the ratio of matched bases is higher than or equal to this value.
    • outFilterScoreMinOverLread (default:0.66) alignment will be output only if its ratio score is higher than or equal to this value.

All of the values for STAR are the default ones. For details about STAR parameters and what they do, please refer to the STAR manual on git.


  • LOCUS are the overlapping regions that reads overlap and are counted in the final expression matrix. Possible values are CODING, UTR, INTRON
  • UMI-edit-distance This is the maximum manhattan distance between two UMI barcode when extracting count matrices.
  • min-count-per-umi is the minimum UMI/Gene pair needed to be counted as one.
  • strand-strategy SENSE defines that you only count genes where the forward strand mapped to the forward region on the DNA. Other possibilities are ANTISENSE (only count reads that mapped on the opposite strand) or BOTH (count all).

2. samples.csv - Samples parameters

This file holds the sample names, expected cell numbers and read length for each sample. The file has to have this format:

  • expected_cells is the amount of cells you expect from your sample.
  • read_length is the read length of the mRNA (Read2). This is necessary for STAR index generation
  • batch is the batch of your sample. If you are added new samples to the same experiment, this is typically a good place to add the main batch.

Note: You can add any other column you wish here, it won't affect the pipeline and you can use it later on in your analysis.

Finally, you can now run the pipeline


Create a custom reference